The Death of Carson and other sundry updates


For the next paragraph, you are all entirely entitled to hate my guts. It’s 12:53 pm. I woke up about a half hour ago. I was up too late. Lost track of time. Playing video games. It was too goddamn cold to bother getting out of bed this morning. I’m now drinking coffee, listening to piano and harmonica blues, and wearing an Ivy League sweater because only assholes wear them. Here endeth your hatred.

Sure, you can keep hating me, but I closed out one of Jobsite’s most financially successful shows last night, and I’ve been fighting some kind of sinus thing/head cold for the last week. I’m beat, half-sick, and there’s no fucking way I am going to look for a job today. So me, my coffee, my shithead sweater, and John Lee Hooker don’t care if you’re still hating me.

The week in brief:
Had many a groovy time hanging out with cretemonkey and cretebunny while they’ve been back visiting Tampa. They got to see America, which was tres cool. cretemonkey hasn’t seen a show in 2.5 years, and the last time they saw me perform was like five years ago. We ate brunch with maladr1n and S. yesterday. Good times all around. maladr1n and I ended up watching the Steelers/Pats game last night after strike (we taped it and pretended it was live, except for the commercials.) Really good game, though not what I expected. I thought it would be a low scoring, running game.

My football predictions for this season so far, cut for those who couldn’t care less:

  • The Eagles would make it to the playoffs. (BTW, jamesx, here’s my response to your text message: Duh. I said that about half a season ago. They’re going to lose, too.)
  • When the playoffs started, I predicted the great, overrated Peyton Manning and the Colts would have their asses handed to them on paper plates. Even if they outscored the Pats, the Steelers would chew them apart.
  • Also when the playoffs started, I said either the Pats or the Steelers would go to the Superbowl.
  • The AFC championship will be a tighter/better game than the Superbowl. We’ll see.
  • Whoever wins the AFC championship will win the Superbowl. By my math above, the Pats will beat the Eagles. Again, we’ll see.

I was torn on the Pats/Steelers game. Realistically, I figured the Steelers would win, and I happen to be a Steelers fan. However, the Pats love being the underdog, God is a New England fan, and I’m an even bigger Pats fan, so I was pulling for them.

I think the Superbowl is going to bore a lot of people. With the exception of the occasional great Eagles play, the Pats are going to nickel and dime the Eagles to death. It’s going to be a great game for those who love watching defense, which falls to a small minority of viewers. The Pats aren’t a high-profile team. Except for Brady and one or two others, most people can’t name a player on the Pats team. They like it that way. They’re a team, not a group of great players.

trufflesfl was kind enough to call me yesterday and tell me about Johnny Carson. Somehow, it makes sense that a cheery friend who is shorter than most of my furniture calls me to read the famous people’s obits. At any rate, Carson was one of the greats, and I hate to see him go. Without Carson, Bill Maher wouldn’t know how to deliver a monologue of one-liners. It’s weird. I watched Carson grow older, but he always seemed ageless, timeless.

I think that about covers everything. Now, I’m going to figure out what to do with the rest of my day, which will hopefully be: not a goddamn thing.

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