The Retardification Continues

I’m going to make a very broad, sweeping stereotypical inference and ask: when the fuck did everyone become so unanimously lazy, stupid, prone to passing the buck, and simply too retarded to do even the simplest of tasks when it comes to basic fucking customer service? For those who can relate, please chime in. For those who think I’m oversimplifying or just overreacting, your day is coming, I promise.
For those just joining the conversation, start here.

930 am Call rep at insurance co to scream at her or give me the number of the claims supervisor she passed the buck to last week so I can scream at him/her personally. Get rep’s voicemail. Recover from shock. (The voicemail is different… so she’s accessed her voicemail since I left her a message Friday.) The voicemail says she’s on vacation until July 17. Vacation from what? I don’t know.

940 am E-mail HR person to fill her in on the progress (sic) and to ask if she has contact info for someone who actually works at the insurance co.

950 am HR person responds. Recommends I go to dentist now and “we” can take care of everything when rep returns next week.

1015 am Find phone number for insuran– fuck it. The company is AIG. So I call AIG’s customer service rep, and do the dance of 1000 menu options. Get a hold of a person. She verifies my insurance coverage and asks for a fax number (sadly – though fortunately, as it turns out) I don’t have the dentist’s fax on hand, so I giver her mine, which is located 3 floors above me.

11 am Tell HR rep that I’d rather get this all cleared up now, because if AIG can’t make a 5-min phone call, I sure as hell don’t expect them to cut me a check after I get unauthorized work done, not to mention, I don’t have a house to mortgage for the allegedly temporary out-of-pocket it would cost to repair the molar in the first place. Then tell her I got a hold of someone else, thanks very much for all the effort, and please, don’t get up for my sake, continue resourcing humans.

11:55 am 90 min after speaking with AIG, receive 2-page fax that will hopefully resolve all of this.

1205 pm send fax to dentist office.

1210 pm (after receiving confirmation that it sent) Call dentist. They still haven’t gotten the allegedly expected call from AIG. Good thing I started going down this separate, fax road. Oh yeah, and they haven’t received the fax either. I might want to try again, after they, uh, y’know put paper in the fax machine.

1220 pm fax dentist again. Decide to not call them and try to get some work done, hoping they’ll call me.

1250 pm call dentist. They haven’t received the fax, probably because there’s a paper jam and someone will have to fix it when they get back from lunch because she’s the only one working the desk and if I don’t hear back when they get back from lunch to maybe send it again, but there’s no one who can fix the jam because she’s the only one there.

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